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简介公告 >> 让世界了解中国的传统诗词——字文书画工作室的诗词作品英译

   为让更多的外国朋友了解中国的传统诗词,字文书画工作室特邀留学西方且深具汉语文学基础的研究生Jack Lin先生,请其为工作室的部分诗词作品英译,首批英译的内容为榕江逸士的梅花诗词。在这里,再次对Jack Lin先生表示衷心的感谢。
   [一剪梅.唤醒  英译]

A Bunch of Plum Blossoms.Awaken
                                       By Sun Jiefeng
                                     Translate by Jack Lin

You are a bright red cloud
 in snow-covered lands.
Either grow in palace or mountains.
You love to show your grace
 with smiling dimples,
secretly to smell in unique fragrance 
and quietly to melt away.

Under light breeze and clear moonlight,
you never fear for cold or desert, 
and always stay with your mission.
Year after year, 
you stand clean 
and elegant among blossoms.
Awaken close neighbors,
and bring us spring breeze.
   [踏莎行.下世  英译]

Treading on Grass.the Next Generation
                                        By Sun Jiefeng 
                                          Translate by Jack Lin   

Its novel posture like sea of agar,
gathered around the roots in a specious jade garden.
Whom should I talk to as I am from paradise.
Under clear moonlight should I be overwhelmed 
in sorrow or joy on the branches?
Certainly not my heart to be touched by mud or dust.

Let poems rest on my jade bones,
and songs blossom on my snow skin.
I am queen of flowers 
dancing a solo to praise the beauty.
Year by year,
 I will recall the spring in the wind and snow.
My bonds of the world 
and tales will smell its scent, 
so sweet as it used to be.
   [七律.寒梅赞  英译]

Seven-word formal poem.Praising of Plum Blossoms
                        By Jiefeng Sun
                         Translate by Jack Lin

The plum trees were blossoming
while other flowers all dropped,
covered and bullied by heavy frost and snow.
Its slim jade branches were streching its divined body,
and the fragrance were scattering across its jade skin.

If not being prompted by the eastern wind,
God may not came to know,
that it will made a good time for poems 
only after suffering a extremly cold winter
 while all blossoms fell.
   [卜算子.风雨连根  英译]

Songs of Divination.Windy rains over root connected woods
                         By Jiefeng Sun
                        Translate by Jack Lin

Only did I come to realize 
that spring was nearby
when it was snowing outside.
When windy rains came across root connected woods,
there was always a season for all to revive.
Facing extremity I was not alone,
as I was accompanied
 by plum blossoms in heavy frost.

The fragrance of plum blossoms 
were scattering in the past path,
and its jade branches 
and shallows were shining 
under the bright moon light.
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联系人:刘女士 | 电话:13413940580 | 地址:广东省揭阳市榕城区京冈街道京南村翰池济兴围宣德第355号
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